Speech & Language Game Ideas

Speech & Language Game Ideas

The following is a list of educational toys, games, and activities for kids of various ages and abilities. Several of these games are no longer in circulation, but can be found online or used as a reference for a similar game format.  These toys help develop a wide range of speech and language skills which include, but are not limited to: following directions (FD), asking/answering a variety of WH questions (WH?), building vocabulary (V), expanding language utterances (MLU), oral motor exercises (OM), using descriptive adjectives (ADJ), creating grammatically correct complete sentences (GCCS), pragmatic language skills (PLS) improving expressive (EL) and receptive (RL) language skills. Use these suggestions at your discretion. These games do not replace direct speech/language therapy services. Talk to your Speech & Language Pathologist about which games he/she recommends or how the game may be modified to better suit your child’s needs.

HedBanz (WH?, V, ADJ, GCCS, EL, RL)

Zingo (FD, GCCS, EL, RL)

Guess Who? (FD, ADJ, V, EL, RL)

Guess Where? (FD, ADJ, V, EL, RL)

Apples to Apples (FD, WH?, PLS, EL, RL)

See-it? Slam-it! (V, GCCS, RL, EL)

Let’s Go Fishin’ (FD, V, ADJ)

Bubble Talk (FD, WH, V, MLU)

Silly Story Maker (V, MLU, ADJ, GCCS, EL)

Stare Junior (FD, WH, V, MLU, ADJ, GCCS)




Toy Cars





Rock Walls

Doll House

Food/Kitchen toys

Action Figures

Legos/Lincoln Logs/Building Blocks


Kid Power Therapy Services, Inc. and its staff have no personal connection or financial interest in the above games. If your child is experiencing problems with their speech, language, or articulation skills, please schedule a comprehensive evaluation with a Speech and Language Pathologist.

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